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Immune Health Essentials Stack

A trio of products that proactively promote wellness by supporting a healthy immune system.*

  • Protandim® Nrf2 Synergizer®
  • LifeVantage ProBio
  • LifeVantage Daily Wellness

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The Best Offense is a Good Defense

Your mom was right. Eating your veggies and washing your hands are solid ways to stay well. But there’s more you can do to feel your healthy best every day. This stack provides well-rounded support to promote strong immune defenses: Protandim® Nrf2 Synergizer® activates your body’s protective antioxidants significantly more than vitamin C to help keep immune cells responding optimally. LifeVantage® ProBio supports a balanced gut and primes your immune system for action. And LifeVantage Daily Wellness delivers a unique blend of five key nutrients in a delicious drink mix that will help your immunity thrive.*

    • Helps you stay well by supporting all three types of immunity: innate, adaptive, and barrier function*
    • Protects cells from damaging oxidative stress to support healthy immune signaling*
    • Promotes a healthy gut, where a majority of immune cells live*
    • Primes the immune system for efficient and effective response, without overstimulating it*
    • Supports production and function of immune cells*

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